Yoga has become a part of my daily life, and I simply couldn't imagine it any other way. It was roughly 3 1/2 years ago that my husband was interested in trying yoga for the first time and asked if I'd join him for a class. While we had both worked out regularly and stretched before and after our workouts, there was a sense of overall ease and flow in our first yoga class. I could feel my body stretch in a different way then it had before. It brought a sense of calm and relaxation as well as strengthening to my overall body, and I felt rejuvenated.

Intrigued by our first class and feeling a sense of accomplishment making it through the hour, we looked ahead to next week's class. It quickly became a routine every Thursday evening for us, and soon every Saturday morning as well.
Today, I incorporate into my daily schedule a full hour of yoga or 15-20 minutes of short yoga flows with the guidance of the DVD's purchased from, Amy. This allows me the comfort of practicing yoga at home when the schedule of everyday life doesn't allow me to get to a class. By incorporating yoga in my daily life, it has allowed me to find and inner calm and balance for myself. It is time to focus completely on me. I know that if I stray from my daily routine, my body feels the absence. My plan is to continue practicing yoga daily. The greatest accomplishment aside from taking the chance on yoga is knowing that my husband and I have also inspired our two young boys to exercise and practice yoga.
- Gina (age 40)

I started to take yoga with Amy Winter 2017 to see if lower back aches & pains from full & half marathon running would disappear.
Ever since I began, I haven't had a lower back issue at all. Amy's expertise and soothing voice guides us through the classes with ease.
- Michael (age 53)

Someone invited me to join her yoga class following a rather difficult time in my life. There, I have met new friends and am more relaxed after each class. Best of all is Amy, a calming, talented yoga leader.
- Mary (age 88)

Amy's yoga classes and videos have really helped my back!
- Leroy (age 79)

I appreciate Amy’s yoga classes for many reasons, but most especially for her emphasis on modifications. This includes the encouraging, hopeful phrase, “If this position is not for you today, then you might want to try….(alternative pose).” As a person who is still recovering from a broken bone and stress fracture, this is really important to me.
- Kathryn (age 68)

I was recently introduced to Gentle Yoga. Amy, my instructor, has helped me get beyond one big stereotype that I had regarding yoga classes. I felt that it was a class only for someone young. She has given me the confidence to challenge myself at 67 years of age and the flexibility that I now have is really a reward.
- June (age 67)

I have been doing Gentle Yoga (with Amy) for several years. It has helped me with flexibility, posture and balance.
The Gentle Yoga DVD (Everyday Yoga Escape Compilation) is great to use at home. The mini-sessions on the DVD are easy to work into a busy schedule.
-Jayne B. (age 78)

I have been participating in Amy’s yoga classes for several years and always look forward to them. They provide a calm relaxing haven to help you thru the challenges of life.
- Carol (age 62)

Amy has been very helpful in making me a yoga fan. She has an effective teaching style with clear and easy to follow prompts. Her sessions and routines are tailor made for her participants.
After surgery, Amy helped me regain full range of motion in my shoulders and arms. Through my participation in Amy's sessions and the use of her videos, I noticed my daily strength, flexibility, and balance have improved.
I enjoy taking yoga classes with Amy.
- Judy (age 63)

Amy’s yoga classes help my flexibility, balance and mental centering. Her calming voice allows a true connection to breath throughout the practice—setting me up for a calmer, more “in the moment” day ahead.
- Emily (age 64)

Amy's yoga classes and videos have helped me ease in to exercising.
THIS is yoga for anyone! The class makes you feel so relaxed (it's the only class where I'm so relaxed, I fell asleep in it!)
- Jeff (age 59)

I first came to class to learn something new. Amy is an excellent teacher. I stayed for the relaxation.
Now, 6 months later, I find myself more flexible than I have been in years. Thank you, Amy; the journey has been fun.
- Dave (age 59)

Amy’s class is an “everyday escape”! I absolutely LOVE it and have been attending her class for a couple years. I feel so much better after every class; it is a wonderful way to start the day! I wish she would teach at the YMCA 7 days a week!
- Judy (age 48)

Amy has been a excellent instructor not only is she friendly and willing to work on areas that you choose she also brings something new to her classes. As a personal trainer and big into weight lifting routines myself Amy's yoga teachings have given me the ability to loosen up and get a deep stretch in the middle of a tough workout week. I have increased flexibility in my shoulders, legs, gained better core control, and used her methods to also help relieve muscular tightness and pain. I am truly blessed to have Amy as yoga instructor and benefit from her knowledge.
- Luke (age 27)

As someone who will be turning 70 this year, I credit Amy’s yoga class with my continued feeling of vitality, both physical and mental.
Thanks to the practice of yoga with Amy, I feel grateful and ready for each new day.
- C.A. (age 69)
I first met Amy while doing a personal training program about 6 years ago.. I enjoyed working with Amy and was happy when she took over the yoga class I attended at the same location.
I am a hairstylist / massage therapist and over the years wear and tear of daily repetitive motion has started to take a toll on my body. Increasingly over the past 5-10 years I have been losing range of motion in my shoulders and hips. I had also been dealing with a bout of plantar fasciitis for a couple of years.
To my benefit the attendance at the yoga studio had been dropping before Amy’s arrival. This left me pretty much with a private lesson situation with Amy, which I loved. The individualized classes Amy stylized for me pretty much gave me the opportunity to focus on my weak points and also build a yoga practice specifically for me. Even though Amy relocated out of the area and I don't have the opportunity to attend her classes I still benefit from her personalized techniques and yoga videos and guided meditations at home to keep me tuned and ready for work. Thanks Amy for sharing your passion with me. Oh….and my plantar faciatis is under control. If ever I start to feel the early symptoms I use the yoga techniques Amy taught me to deal with it. All in all….ONE HAPPY CLIENT !!!
I have been doing yoga with Amy for almost 4 months. I have done yoga in the past with videos.
Amy is a great instructor, she is very helpful in showing different modifications of moves & always reminds us to focus on how our body feels that particular day.
I have become more flexible & relaxed since I started classes with Amy. She is always smiling sweet. I am very glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone to do yoga & yoga fusion. Her class give me the confidence to continue to work hard.
- Nicole

Katie has been practicing yoga with me on a regular basis since 2014 and let me share her story a few years back.
She has found that the yoga breathing techniques help with her seasonal allergies and her wheezing.
Another great benefit she found as someone who has had anxiety for most of her life, this has helped her manage and given her tools she can use whenever she feels any kind of panic attack or anxiety coming on.
In addition, it's helped her balance, flexibility and muscle tone! Check out her whole story on the blog with this link!
-Katie (age 28)

Donna actually let me share her story back in 2015. She has been practicing yoga with me since her very first ever yoga class at the age of 85!
Though she has been active her whole life, she had never tried yoga until 2012, but has been coming consistently since then. Some of the benefits that she has found from yoga are: helping with her arthritis pain, helping with neck and back pain and helping her to feel less stiff and tired. She is a true inspiration to have in class and said, "It's amazing how much you can actually do no matter how old you get."
To see more of the benefits that she has found and read her whole story, please check it out here!
- Donna (age 90)
Rita was gracious enough to share her story with me back in 2015. She is still attending yoga class consistently today.
When she first started yoga four years ago, she found many daily activities challenging. It was difficult to brush her teeth or dry her hair because she always needed one hand down to support herself. Since starting yoga, she has gained strength and can do these everyday activities with far more ease.
Yoga has also given her greater stamina to get through the day. She can go to events without needing to sit down periodically and she feels less tired in general.
She discussed some of her medical problems and imbalances in her story as well. You can read the her whole inspiring story here.
Rita is a great example of perseverance and starting something new at any age!
- Rita (age 81)
You're probably wondering how I'm different than any other yoga instructor you might run across. Every yoga class is different and there are many different styles.
My videos are easy to follow. They are gentle and help to simplify and demystify the complexities you may find in other yoga classes. The style is encouraging, relaxing and calming.
I have worked with and found much success with with all ages including seniors, people just getting started (or back into) exercising, those in pain, those recovering from injuries, surgeries (including hip replacement, knee and shoulder surgeries) and battling serious illnesses (including cancer, diabetes, various autoimmune diseases, depression and fibromyalgia). Always check with your doctor to see if it is ok for you to incorporate yoga into your routine.
I feel this market is underserved. If you can relate to any of this, our online yoga studio may be a great way to ease into yoga for you!